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Give 110% on this quiz for your chance to win.

The more you know about gambling, the more likely you are to enjoy your time playing.


Correctly answer these three questions for your chance to win!

Quiz 2024
Is betting on sports a good way to make money?

Correct, betting on sports is not a good way to make money, it’s really just a form of entertainment.

Womp womp, everyone gets it wrong once in a while. Sports betting is just a form of entertainment, not a way to make money.

Make your choice

I have been betting on different games all night and haven’t won yet. When will my bet be a hit?

Correct, that’s because betting on sports always involves some chance factors that can’t be predicted. Over time, you could end up losing more.

Wrong. Betting on games all night doesn’t increase your chances, so it’s always a good time to take a break.

Make your choice

What is a good way to predict the outcome of a hockey game?

Correct, when it comes to sports betting, outcomes are always somewhat unpredictable.

Wrong, no one (or thing!) can predict the outcomes of games!

Make your choice